The project Manager oversees the planning, implementation, and tracking of a specific project which has a beginning and an end and specified deliverables.
1. Planning
- Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management
- Create a detailed work plan which identifies and sequences the activities needed to successfully complete the project.
- Determine the resources (time, money, equipment, etc.) required to complete the project.
- Develop a schedule for project completion that effectively allocates the resources to the activities.
- Review the project schedule with senior maagement and all other staff that will be affected by the project activities and revise the schedule as required.
2. Staff the project:
- In consultation wit the appropriate manager, recruit interview and select staff with appropriate skills for the project activities.
- Manage project staff according to the established policies and practices of the company.
- Ensure that all project personnel receive an appropriate orientation to the company and the project.
- Contract qualified consultants to work on the project as appropriate.
3. Implement the project
- Execute the project according to the project plan.
- Develop forms and records to document project activities.
- Set up files to ensure that all project information is appropriately documented and secured.
- Monitor the progress of the project and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the successful completion of the project.
- Establish a communication schedule to update stakeholders including appropriate staff in the company on the progress of the project.
- Establish a communication schedule to update stakeholders including appropriate staff in the company on the progress of the project.
- Review the quality of the work completed with the project team on a regular basis to ensure that it meets the project standards.
4. Control the project
- Write reports on the project for management
- Monitor and approve all budgeted project expenditures.
- Monitor cash flow projections and report actual cash flow and variance to senior management on a regular basis (monthly/bimonthly).
- Manage all project funds according to the established accounting policies and procedures.
- Ensure that all financial records for the project are up to date.
5. Evaluate the project
- Ensure that the project deliverables are on time, within budget and at the required level of quality.
- Evaluate the outcomes of the project as established during the planning phase.
- Planeamento
- Planeamento e controlo de tempo
- Good knoweldge in project management
- Word/Ecxel/Project processing
- Database management
Webcor Group
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