Boa capacidade de trabalho e gesto de tempo; Planeamento e controlo de parmetros ao nvel de prazos, custos e qualidade; Gesto de recursos (mo-de-obra, equipamentos, materiais, subempreitadas,); Dinmica, autnoma e orientada para resultados; Com excelente capacidade de liderana, planeamento e organizao; Domnio da Lng...
Delega as responsabilidades da empresa entre todos os departamentos; Acompanha o movimento financeiro do departamento atravs de inspees peridicas e anlise do fluxo de caixa de todas as reas comerciais; Garante que o hotel cumpra as clusulas dos contratos com quem e para quem trabalha; Promove os produtos e servios o...
Supervise and manage the overall activities of the company in the country / Supervisionar e gerenciar as atividades globais da empresa no pas; Be responsible for all aspects related to commercial, operational, legal, customer service delivery, safety, and security of TAAG Airlines activities in the country / Ser re...
Supervise and manage the overall activities of the company in the country / Supervisionar e gerenciar as atividades globais da empresa no pas; Be responsible for all aspects related to commercial, operational, legal, customer service delivery, safety, and security of TAAG Airlines activities in the country / Ser re...
Supervise and manage the overall activities of the company in the country / Supervisionar e gerenciar as atividades globais da empresa no pas; Be responsible for all aspects related to commercial, operational, legal, customer service delivery, safety, and security of TAAG Airlines activities in the country / Ser re...
Supervise and manage the overall activities of the company in the country / Supervisionar e gerenciar as atividades globais da empresa no pas; Be responsible for all aspects related to commercial, operational, legal, customer service delivery, safety, and security of TAAG Airlines activities in the country / Ser re...
Supervise and manage the overall activities of the company in the country / Supervisionar e gerenciar as atividades globais da empresa no pas; Be responsible for all aspects related to commercial, operational, legal, customer service delivery, safety, and security of TAAG Airlines activities in the country / Ser re...